The collection covers the National Antiracist Movement in Education (NAME) (1985-2004) and the organisations which preceded it, dating back to the 1960s. NAME was a voluntary organisation concerned with race equality and schooling. Its origins can be traced to about 1965 with the birth of ATEPO - the Association(s) of Teachers of English to Pupils from Overseas (later, the Association(s) for the Education of Pupils from Overseas). Members represented people from both inside and outside the classroom, from teachers, students and lecturers to advisers, administrators and Education Welfare Officers.

The Federation created the National Association for Multiracial Education (NAME) following concerns from members that the Association was not participating sufficiently in national affairs. The change was also aimed at increasing financial stability. The structure grew to become London NAME overseeing several regional branches - around 40 by March 1983.

NAME was primarily concerned with assisting teachers and advisors working in multiracial and multicultural environments, whether inside or outside the classroom. The Association provided information through publications and journals plus created opportunities to discuss and debate issues at local events and national conferences, held annually. NAME also lobbied local authorities and the government on issues of importance in the field of multiracial education. NAME worked with or alongside bodies such as ARTEN [Anti Racist Teacher Education Network] and NATE [National Association for the Teaching of English] in the development of courses and materials.

NAME focused on language skills, especially the use of mother-tongue as a medium of instruction; the curriculum and qualifications; the provision of and access to Teacher Education courses; monitoring employment in the Education Service and ensuring access by teachers and parents to advice and information.

In 1984, NAME changed its title to the National Antiracist Movement in Education (keeping the same acronym) in order to focus more specifically on racism in society and the education system. This was seen by some as a controversial move, sparking a debate between multiculturalism and antiracism and may have contributed to the decline in membership from over 1500 members in England, Wales and Scotland in the early 1980s to less than 100 by the year 2000. Because of the decline in membership, NAME formed itself into a smaller, centrally-led pressure group during the 1990s, responding to government papers, OFSTED publications and similar. A decision was taken to close NAME in 2004, leaving a few members to complete a survey of Race Equality Policies in Schools (commenced March 2004 and published 2006).

NAMERAP (NAME Research and Archive Programme) was formed in 2006 by a number of ex-members of NAME, most of whom had served as officers on NAME's National Executive Committee, with the intention of compiling a NAME archive as a basis for research. The archive was later gifted to the George Padmore Institute.


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