Limited Christmas Offer: Two children's books for £6.99 inc. Free P+P

November 30, 2022

The George Padmore Institute is offering our two children’s books, Jump Up! A Story of Carnival and Dream to Change the World: The Story of John La Rose, for a special price of £6.99 including free post and packaging. For five-to-eight-year-olds, both are beautifully illustrated and highly colourful books by the award-winning author Ken Wilson-Max. Part of the GPI’s new series of black history books, Reaching New Generations, our books are helping to fill the void in diverse reading material for younger children that the 2020 Black Lives Matter campaigns highlighted.

Jump Up! A Story of Carnival

Tells the story of Cecille, a young black girl living in the Caribbean, and how her community develops their very own Carnival, based on their long-remembered African traditions. For those who may wonder where our UK Carnivals – from Notting Hill to Luton and Leeds – came from. A section at the end of the story teaches readers more about the history of the subject, as well as interesting words associated with Carnival. 2022, 28pp.

A young girl wears a Carnival mask

Dream to Change the World: The Story of John La Rose

A magical and joyful story about John La Rose’s childhood in Trinidad. A tireless activist and co-founder of the GPI, readers will learn more about John's varied activism, poetry and career through a fascinating timeline at the end of the book. 2021, 28pp.

A young boy is smiling and looks out at the world

Buy Jump Up! A Story of Carnival and Dream to Change the World: The Story of John La Rose for a special Christmas price of £6.99 with free post and packaging! For a limited time only!


See below for ways to purchase copies. Please use the reference Christmas Book Offer


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Make out a cheque to George Padmore Institute and post to: 76 Stroud Green Road, London N4 3EN. Please include your postal details.

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The GPI is an independent charity (1003001), it is not associated with any other organisation. We rely on grants and individual donations to continue to preserve and make available the stories of many black and Asian communities. See details above for ways to make a donation.