The George Padmore Institute featured in the Guardian

July 8, 2024

The George Padmore Institute (GPI) is featured in the Guardian's article on the art project Dig Where You Stand, inspired by Sheffield City Archives. Written by Lanre Bakare, the article demonstrates that archives are being increasingly recognised as sources of art and creativity. The GPI has a long history of creating art inspired by our archives of Black British history, including poetry by Jay Bernard. Currently, the GPI’s Artist in Residence, Dominique Le Gendre, is composing music inspired by researching documents related to the Caribbean Artists Movement

Bakare’s article also considers the financial difficulties that many archives face, especially in the current economic climate. Many archives, including the GPI, need significant levels of investment. As many of our supporters are aware, the maintenance of the GPI’s building, which houses many thousands of documents and a variety of other items needing proper care, requires regular fundraising. Fortunately, the GPI’s recent building appeal received many donations from a range of supporters such as friends of the archive, researchers, as well as high-profile donors such as the artist Peter Doig and the Paul Stolper art gallery, and the renowned Black British photographer Vanley Burke and BAND Gallery in Toronto, Canada.  

We are extremely grateful for the continued support we receive to enable the GPI to continue its mission of preserving and promoting the histories of the black communities of Caribbean, African and Asian descent in post-war Britain and continental Europe.  

We extend our thanks to Lanre Bakare. Please read the full article by clicking this link.

From left: Linton Kwesi Johnson, Peter Doig, Paul Stolper standing in front of Brixton Ritzy 2023, portrait of Linton Kwesi Johnson. Photo Credit: Paul Stolper.


The GPI is an independent charity (1003001), it is not associated with any other organisation. We rely on grants and individual donations to continue to preserve and make available the stories of many black and Asian communities. See details below for ways to make a donation.


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